Community Partners

Food For Neighbors is so fortunate to serve in an area filled with community spirit! In addition to having the best school partners, food donors, and volunteers, we're receiving support from many community groups, businesses, local government and nonprofit organizations, foundations, and other granting organizations.


The below reflects our bigger contributors. Help us show our appreciation by shopping with or thanking them. We also appreciate our many additional contributors, including our steadfast individual donors, as well as the generous foundations and other granting organizations that wish to remain anonymous. Your gifts are making a difference!


No one wants to see a child go hungry. Partner with Food For Neighbors today!

For more information about becoming a Food For Neighbors partner, please email us.

Thank you to all of our Community Partners for helping local teens!

Please click the logos to visit the websites of our generous Community Partners. Stop by and tell them Food For Neighbors sent you!

Community Champion Partners


We're thrilled to announce that Amazon has made a $50,000 donation in support of our mission! This is the third year in a row that Amazon has made a significant contribution. The generous support will help us to continue to provide supplemental nutrition and toiletries to students in our 48 currently partnering schools as well as to say "yes" to new schools requesting resources for their students. We greatly appreciate Amazon’s continued partnership in the fight against teen food insecurity.

Amazon Fresh

Soon after Food For Neighbors began coordinating its rollout of services to Arlington Public Schools, Amazon offered its tremendous support. The timing could not have been more perfect! Food For Neighbors extends a huge thank you to Amazon for its $155,000 donation! 


Gold Level Partners

Philip L. Graham Fund

Thank you to the Philip L. Graham Fund, which recently awarded Food For Neighbors a $35,000 grant to help us to continue to address teen food insecurity in Northern Virginia. The generous Fund is named for the late Publisher of The Washington Post and President of The Washington Post Company, now known as the Graham Holdings Company. Offering important financial resources to the Washington Metropolitan Area, the Fund awards numerous grants every year to groups providing programs and services in the areas of education, health and human services, arts and humanities, and community endeavors. To learn more, please visit


Silver Level Partners

Bronze Level Partners

Neighborhood Allies

We greatly appreciate all of the many businesses, organizations, and small groups that support of our mission. We want to thank those who, in a given year, volunteer 200+ hours, donate $1,000–$2,499, and/or deliver 800+ pounds of food/toiletry donations.


Crestline Homes & Resorts

Faith Church Kingstowne


TCG, Inc.

Q Athletics

Stride, Inc.

Strategic Engineering Solutions


Fairview Pack 1346

Arlington Community Foundation

Young Men's Service League

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Food for Neighbors® is a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) public charity and your donation is tax-deductible under U.S. tax law. To claim a donation as an itemized deduction on your taxes, please keep your email donation receipt that we will send you. Any funds raised in excess of our goal for any particular project will be automatically applied to the other ongoing work of Food for Neighbors.

© Food For Neighbors